Magda Marková
Business Development manager
Planet ALLY is a concept from Semix Pluso. Our mission is to produce high quality food without additives that benefits the health of people everywhere.
SEMIX PLUSO, spol. s r.o.
Rybníčky 338
747 81 Otice u Opavy
Czech republic
Company ID Number: 62360311
VAT Number: CZ62360311
Business Development manager
We started with just one bakery that was popular from our very first bake.
We bought our first piece of land and returned it to nature. Today we care for 82 hectares of land in seven of our own ecological sites.
We have a unique system for processing poppy seeds.
Whole grain cereals and products that are free from palm oil, gluten, and additives.
We are working on numerous projects including shaped muesli, novel sprouting methodology, fermentation, and new vegan products.